At Christ Church we understand the importance of Mathematics in everyday life and our children have great enthusiasm and enjoyment for the subject.
We follow the National Curriculum, enriching and structuring it to meet the needs of our pupils. Teachers also use the White Rose Maths guidance documents to plan maths lessons in which the National Curriculum objectives are broken down into smaller steps. This approach ensures that our maths lessons allow all children to have a greater depth of learning and understanding of key mathematical concepts.

We aim to give all children positive, hands-on experiences in Mathematics that will enable them to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject. This is achieved through the use of high quality learning resources such as dienes, place value counters, ten frames and counting beads. All classrooms are equipped with a wide range of teaching manipulatives which are selected by both the teachers and children to support their own learning.

Our lessons are designed to develop the children’s mental maths skills as well as their ability to confidently reason and problem solve. Therefore, each class begins their lessons with a five-minute fluency task with problem solving and reasoning also being an important part of every lesson. All KS2 classes have weekly times tables challenges which is supported by the use of Times Tables Rock Stars.
We are very excited to be starting our journey in Teaching for Mastery. This year we will be continuing to work on a project funded by the London SW maths hub in which the mastery pedagogies will be further explored and embedded.
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