At Christ Church our vision is to inspire our children to be confident individuals, who are excited about learning and curious about the world they live in.
We want our children to come to school every day eager to learn new things, confident to try new experiences and enthusiastic about new challenges.
We want each child to experience success and to leave us at the end of primary school as caring, thoughtful citizens who are ambitious for themselves and fully prepared for secondary school.
We intend to achieve this by providing a well-planned and ambitious curriculum that reflects our local community and the heritage of our children and their families.
We serve a diverse and vibrant community who speak many languages and come from many different parts of the world and this is reflected throughout our curriculum.

Our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to celebrate their local area and to understand its geography and history.
It takes them beyond their immediate local context as they learn about the city of London and the wider study of the UK, and further afield, as they learn about what it means to be a global citizen.
Our study of the history, geography, music and artwork of countries around the world is intended to help our children see that which lies outside of their personal experiences.
In subjects such as art, design technology and music, we place a high emphasis both on creativity and technical skill.
We want our children to have the knowledge and skills they need to appreciate works of great art, music and architecture and create, compose and construct works of their own.
All children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and we regularly work in partnership with professional artists and musicians.
In RE our children are encouraged to develop and express their own beliefs and values.
They are taught about other religions and customs that may be different from their own.
Our PSHE lessons are also important spaces for learning about difference and how to be respectful and tolerant citizens.
In science, we build on our children’s innate curiosity and help them make sense of the world around them both through the explicit teaching and through guided experimentation and observation.
We take every opportunity to use our local surroundings for rich learning experiences.
We have a strong emphasis on teaching the basic skills of reading, writing and maths to the highest standard so that our children can achieve their full potential and to reach for the stars.
We have placed the development of language at the heart of our curriculum which is designed to ensure that our children develop into confident speakers, readers and writers.
Our aim is for our children to develop a real love for books and that they take this passion with them into adulthood.
We also want our children to leave us as confident mathematicians, with numerical fluency and flexible problem-solving strategies that help them navigate the world around them and which open doors to other areas of learning.
Finally, we believe that our children should grow up to be caring citizens who are thoughtful and respectful not just of each other but also of the world around them.
Our school holds six core values and they are at the heart of all that we do. These values are faithfulness, joy, kindness, peace, love and perseverance.
Our values are woven throughout our curriculum and in every subject we seek opportunities to explore what it means to be kind, caring, thoughtful and respectful citizens.
Our curriculum has been developed by staff after careful analysis and reflection of the needs of our children.
We have thought carefully about the places in the world we want our children to learn about, the events that will capture their imagination and the important knowledge, skills and understanding we want them to have by the time they leave us.
We promote enjoyment for learning and encourage children to be independent, reflective learners through the development of thinking skills.