The aims of the Religious and Moral Education in our school are as follows:
- To introduce the children to the life of Jesus Christ and to those who have responded to his life and teaching.
- To provide the children with a faith by which to live.
- To develop and enable them to express their own beliefs and values.
- To encourage attitudes of openness and sensitivity towards people whose religious beliefs and customs may be different from their own.
- With other areas of the curriculum, to contribute towards the children’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.
We work closely with the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education who provide support and an advisory service to the Senior Leadership Team and staff.
Our vicar regularly visits the school to lead collective worship and the children visit the church once or twice each term. Click here to find out more about our Church.
All staff encourage and welcome the involvement of parents in the Religious Education of their children and the prayer life of the school.
Parents are kept informed of events in our newsletters and are always invited to join us for our celebrations in church.
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Our last RE Inspection was in January 2017 when we were judged as a GOOD school.
You can read the report below: