Hello and Welcome to Maple Class!
We are super excited about being in Key Stage 2 this year.
Our class teacher is Miss Brathwaite-Grace and the other adult who helps us with our learning is Ms Mabrut.
We have PE every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and we have music lessons with Mrs Alfred.
In maths, we will be focussing on developing our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills using a variety of methods. We are also very excited about recapping and learning our 2, 3, 4 ,5, 8 and 10 multiplication and division facts. Don’t forget to keep practising at home on your times table rock star accounts.
In English, we will continue to develop and apply our grammar and punctuation to the amazing creative pieces we will produce.
Our topics for the year are: Stone Age to Iron Age, Europe, Ancient Egypt and Seaside.
We love learning in class but we also enjoy learning on class trips. We hope to be able to book some exciting trips this year.
To find out more about the Y3 curriculum and what we're doing in class please click on the links below: