Welcome to Mulberry Class!
Our teacher is Miss Steed and she is supported by Ms Freitas.
Our topics this year are Our Rights, Natural Disasters, The Americas, Anglo-Saxons, Eco-Warriors and Vicious Vikings.
In Maths the children will be looking to push further ahead with previous topics including the 4 operations in new and challenging contexts as well as learning new subject matter such as data analysis.
In English, the children will focus on taking their writing to the next level by learning how to use a variety of new features in their work. We will be focusing on books related to our topics. This will include Holes by Louis Sahar as well as The Boy who Biked the World by Alastair Humphreys.
In Science, the children will be getting hands-on with lots of experiments to further their investigative skills as well as their knowledge of core topics from the changes of state to space.
The children will continue to practise their musical skills in singing and instruments with Mrs Alfred and will be furthering their Spanish skills with the class teacher.
To find out more about the Y5 curriculum and what we’re doing in class please click on the links below:
A Parents Guide to Maths in Y5