At Christ Church, our Christian ethos is at the heart of all we achieve. Our collective worship is valued and recognised as a fundamental aspect of who we are as a Christian Family and our time together during the school week.
Our collective worship is rigorously planned but delivered creatively to include staff and pupils and working in partnership with the clergy at Christ Church. Our worship includes music, liturgy, silence and reflection, stories and readings, prayer and, where appropriate the Eucharist.

Whether delivered by our Parish Priest, Senior Leaders, teachers or children, worship is engaging and inclusive providing meaningful opportunities to contribute and reflect which has an impact in the lives of our pupils both in and out of school.
The themes and focus of our worship enable pupils and adults to encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and to develop their understanding of the Christian belief in the Trinitarian nature of God. In addition, it is a time to reflect on our school values, explore our own spiritual development and grow together as a community. Children regularly feedback through collective worship reflections. These evaluations, and the work of the faith group, contribute to the ongoing development of our worship and ensure that worship remains meaningful and engaging, and contributes to the life of the school, its pupils and its staff.
Our last RE Inspection was in January 2017 when we were judged as a GOOD school.
You can read the report below: